Responses - Standard Responses

Unless otherwise documented, successful responses to each HTTP method will be as follows:

● GET – A response will include:
    ○ a status code of ​200 OK
    ○ representation(s) of the requested resource(s)
● POST – A response will include:
    ○ a status code of ​201 Created
    ○ a ​Location​ header with the URI of the newly­created resource, e.g.,
    ○ a representation of the new resource in the body, as it would be returned by a GET request, including all possible properties that may be specified via the f​ ields query parameter.
● PATCH – A response will include:
    ○ a status code of ​204 No Content
    ○ an empty body
● DELETE – A response will include:
    ○ a status code of ​204 No Content
    ○ an empty body

Unless otherwise documented, the response to a failed request will include:

● a status code indicating the nature of the failure
● an error message explaining why the request failed